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Implementation Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration on the Establishment of a Coal Production 12bet online betting website Reserve System
Source: National Energy AdministrationAuthor: Zhang TiantianTime: 2024-04-12 10:51Views: 855 times

National Development and Reform Commission and National Energy Administration on the establishment

Opinions on the implementation of the coal production 12bet online betting website reserve system

NDRC Energy Regulations [2024] No. 413

Development and Reform Commission of all coal-producing provinces (regions) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps、Energy Bureau、Coal Industry Management Department,Related central enterprises:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,Earnestly implement the new energy security strategy,Implement the Party Central Committee、The State Council’s Decision and Arrangement on Promoting Supply Guarantee and Price Stability of Primary Products,Deepening the structural reform of the coal supply side,Innovative 12bet online betting website management mechanism,Improve production 12bet online betting website reserve policy,Promote coal production 12bet online betting website to maintain a reasonable margin and sufficient flexibility,Enhancing supply security capabilities,Better play the role of coal in ensuring energy supply,Develop the following implementation suggestions。

1. Overall requirements

Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation,Better play the role of the government,Proactively adapt to changes in coal supply and demand,Formation of stable production 12bet online betting website reserve support policy expectations,Actively guide qualified enterprises to build coal reserve 12bet online betting website 。Focus on implementation of large-scale modern open-pit coal mines and underground coal mines with high safety assurance,Select a batch of 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines in new and under-construction coal mine projects,Actively and steadily organize and implement。Maintain reasonable and sufficient coal production 12bet online betting website ,Enhance the elasticity and flexibility of coal supply,Effectively deal with cyclical and seasonal fluctuations in coal supply。Vigorously improve the quality of green production,Promote the coordination of production 12bet online betting website reserves and ecological environment protection,Increase investment in safety and security,Ensure safety and reliability during routine maintenance and release of reserve 12bet online betting website 。

By 2027,Initially establishing a coal production 12bet online betting website reserve system,Orderly approved the construction of a batch of 12bet online betting website reserve coal mine projects,Form a certain scale of dispatchable production 12bet online betting website reserve。By 2030,The production 12bet online betting website reserve system is more complete,The production 12bet online betting website management system is more complete,Strive to form a dispatchable production 12bet online betting website reserve of about 300 million tons/year,The national coal supply guarantee capability has been significantly enhanced,Supply elasticity and resilience continue to improve。

2. Working rules for the construction of coal mines with 12bet online betting website reserves

The designed production 12bet online betting website of a coal mine with 12bet online betting website reserve consists of two parts: conventional production 12bet online betting website and reserve 12bet online betting website 。Conventional production 12bet online betting website refers to the normal production 12bet online betting website of coal mines under non-emergency conditions,The enterprise independently organizes production according to market conditions,Not included in the scope of national unified dispatch。Reserve 12bet online betting website refers to a moderate scale reserved on the basis of regular production 12bet online betting website 、12bet online betting website used for peak shaving,Synchronous release of regular production 12bet online betting website according to national unified dispatch under emergency conditions,Realizing "upward elastic production" of coal mines。The sum of conventional production 12bet online betting website and reserve 12bet online betting website of a coal mine with 12bet online betting website reserve is the design 12bet online betting website 。In the process of construction of 12bet online betting website reserve coal mine,Should be organized and implemented in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) Planning stage。Working on the preparation (revision) of the overall planning of the coal mining area,The overall planning preparation department for coal mining areas at the provincial level and below must organize careful research on planned new coal mine projects and coal mine projects under construction in the mining area,Demonstrate whether the project meets the conditions for building reserve 12bet online betting website ,Scientifically and reasonably determine the planning and construction scale of a single coal mine。In principle, coal mines with 12bet online betting website reserves should be completed and put into operation at one time according to the designed production 12bet online betting website 。The project unit must conduct in-depth research on the feasibility of building 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines,Ensure economic rationality、Safe and controllable。The mining area’s external transportation infrastructure must fully consider the release of reserve 12bet online betting website 。

(2) Approval stage。New coal mine projects that plan to build reserve production 12bet online betting website must apply for land pre-examination and site selection opinions based on the designed production 12bet online betting website 、Social stability risk assessment report, etc.。When preparing the project application report,An in-depth analysis of the production plan for reserve 12bet online betting website construction should be conducted。Coal mine projects under construction can build reserve production 12bet online betting website based on the existing approved production 12bet online betting website ,You can also apply to build reserve 12bet online betting website after adjusting the construction scale according to relevant policy requirements。

(3) Construction stage。12bet online betting website reserve coal mines should comply with the overall planning of the mining area and the planning environmental impact assessment requirements,Manage mining according to laws and regulations according to designed production 12bet online betting website 、Land、Yong Lin、Yongcao、Environmental Impact Assessment、Water extraction permit、Soil and water conservation、Safety production and other procedures,Create conditions for the legal and compliant release of reserve 12bet online betting website 。Coal mine production、Transportation、Ventilation、Drainage、Mechanical and electrical systems and related equipment must be constructed and equipped according to the designed 12bet online betting website ,Ensure that reserve 12bet online betting website can be released safely and effectively in emergency situations。Coal mines with 12bet online betting website reserves mainly increase their mining (stripping) capabilities、Formulate reserve 12bet online betting website by increasing the progress of the working face,Not achieved by increasing the working surface。To strengthen construction safety management,Strictly implement the "three simultaneous" system for safety facilities。

(4) Acceptance stage。After the project enters joint trial operation,Organize trial production according to design production 12bet online betting website and regular production 12bet online betting website respectively,Within the specified joint trial operation period,The project unit can independently determine the time to organize trial production according to the two production capacities according to the actual situation of the coal mine。When the project unit organizes the completion acceptance,The status of production 12bet online betting website reserve construction needs to be specified in the completion acceptance report。Provincial coal industry management departments should strengthen supervision of project completion acceptance activities,The reserve 12bet online betting website construction does not meet the requirements,Order the project unit to make rectifications,It can be completed and put into production only after meeting the requirements。

(5) Production stage。12bet online betting website reserve coal mines must improve the “peace and emergency conversion” mechanism,Study and formulate a work plan to organize production according to conventional production 12bet online betting website and designed production 12bet online betting website ,Reasonably arrange production organization,Maintain safe and stable production order,Make full use of production 12bet online betting website reserves。It is necessary to reasonably allocate personnel and scientifically arrange the extraction (stripping) and continuation,Be prepared for emergency production in advance。In emergency state,Resolutely obey the unified dispatch of the country,Quickly release reserve 12bet online betting website ,Ensure output、Adjust fast、It comes in handy。We must effectively increase investment in production safety,Strengthen the investigation and management of hidden dangers,Continuously enhance the ability to ensure safe supply。

3. Management procedures for 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines

(1) Application conditions。Coal mines that apply to build reserve 12bet online betting website should be registered with the National Development and Reform Commission、New creation of approval authority from the National Energy Administration、Coal mine project under construction,Coal mine reserve 12bet online betting website scale as a proportion of coal mine design 12bet online betting website ,Divided into 20%、25%、30% third level。The mining area where the reserve 12bet online betting website coal mine is located should have convenient external transportation、Sufficient transportation 12bet online betting website and other conditions,Coal products are mainly used to meet the energy needs of power generation, heating and people’s livelihood。

(2) Application process。The relevant coal industry management departments of coal-producing provinces and regions shall work together with the development and reform departments at the same level (or the coal investment departments designated by provincial governments) in accordance with the requirements of these implementation opinions and relevant notices,Organize the declaration work of production 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines in this province。Coal enterprises (including central enterprises) combine resource conditions、Mining Technology、Prepare a production 12bet online betting website reserve construction plan based on actual conditions such as external transportation conditions and submit an application,The relevant coal industry management departments of coal-producing provinces and regions will conduct preliminary review in conjunction with the development and reform departments at the same level (or the coal investment authorities designated by the provincial government),Report coal mine projects that meet the application conditions to the National Energy Administration。

(3) Confirmation procedure。The National Energy Administration entrusts relevant evaluation agencies to organize experts to evaluate coal mine projects that apply for the construction of reserve 12bet online betting website ,Determine the list of coal mine projects and the scale of production 12bet online betting website reserve construction based on the evaluation results,Priority to support Shanxi、Mengxi、Mengdong、Northern Shaanxi、Large-scale modern open-pit coal mines or underground coal mines with high safety guarantees in the five major coal supply bases in Xinjiang。

(4) Enabling mechanism。When the coal supply and demand situation is generally balanced,Organize production according to regular production 12bet online betting website after the production 12bet online betting website reserve coal mine is put into operation。When the supply and demand situation changes from overall balance to tension,National Development and Reform Commission、The National Energy Administration determines whether the coal market supply and demand and whether the price exceeds a reasonable range,Implement unified dispatching of reserve 12bet online betting website ,Determine the emergency release area of ​​reserve 12bet online betting website 、Production scheduling scale、Supply assurance goals, etc.,Guide coal mines with reserve 12bet online betting website to "upward elastic production" according to the design 12bet online betting website in stages while ensuring safety。

(5) Signing of medium and long-term contracts。12bet online betting website reserve coal mines must strictly fulfill their responsibilities to ensure supply and stable price of coal,Sign a medium- and long-term thermal coal contract in accordance with relevant requirements,Implement relevant national price policies。Commercial coal produced by 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines that release reserve 12bet online betting website will be given priority to receive national unified dispatch,No longer undertakes the task of signing local medium- and long-term contracts。

IV. Supporting Support Policies

(1) Provide preferential policies for production 12bet online betting website replacement。12bet online betting website reserve coal mine,New coal mines are designed to produce 20% of 12bet online betting website 、25%、30% of construction reserve 12bet online betting website ,60% of its new production 12bet online betting website (including conventional production 12bet online betting website and reserve 12bet online betting website )、80%、100% exemption from 12bet online betting website replacement。The 12bet online betting website replacement plan has been reviewed and confirmed (including coal mines under construction),60% of its total 12bet online betting website replacement indicators、80%、100% can be used separately,Indicators are no longer converted。

(2) Optimize and adjust the overall planning of coal mining areas and planning environmental impact assessment requirements。12bet online betting website reserve coal mines must strictly follow the approved coal mining area master plan and planning environmental impact assessment to handle relevant approval procedures。When resource reserves、When mining conditions change significantly,On the premise of meeting the service length requirements,The design production 12bet online betting website can fluctuate by 1 to 3 design levels based on the overall planning of the coal mining area,In principle, the maximum increase should be less than 30% of the planned construction scale,And there are no major planning adjustments stipulated in the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Environmental Impact Assessment Management of Coal Resource Development" (EIA [2020] No. 63)。The above optimization and adjustment are non-major adjustments to the overall planning of the coal mining area,Partial adjustment plans can be prepared and submitted to the original planning approval authority for approval。

(3) Implement separate indicators for new coal production 12bet online betting website 。12bet online betting website reserve coal mine,The scale of reserve production 12bet online betting website does not occupy the new production 12bet online betting website indicators of the provinces and regions determined by the national coal development plan。

5. Safeguard Measures

(1) Strengthen organization and coordination。Establish a working mechanism for coal production 12bet online betting website reserve management,Strengthen overall coordination and guidance,Coordinate the management of national coal production 12bet online betting website reserves。Relevant coal industry management departments of coal-producing provinces and regions work together with development and reform departments at the same level,Provincial working mechanism can be established based on actual conditions,Guide enterprises within the jurisdiction to prepare production 12bet online betting website reserves。

(2) Responsibility for compaction work。Project units of 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines must strictly fulfill their main responsibilities,Solidly promote the construction of coal mines with production 12bet online betting website reserves,Ensure that construction tasks are completed on schedule with quality and quantity,Organize production according to national unified dispatch,Effectively play the role of 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines。Provincial coal industry management departments must fulfill their supervision and management responsibilities,Strengthen daily supervision of production 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines within the jurisdiction,Create work ledger by mine,Scheduling to grasp the production status of 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines under non-emergency and emergency conditions,Relevant ledger information is regularly submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission、National Energy Administration。

(3) Strengthening supervision and management。The National Energy Administration, together with relevant departments, strengthens the comprehensive coordination and supervision of the national coal production 12bet online betting website reserve work,Study and solve major problems in the construction and production process of 12bet online betting website reserve coal mines,Promote the orderly development of various work on production 12bet online betting website reserves。The provincial coal industry management department organizes and conducts inspections in a timely manner,For those who fail to organize construction and production in accordance with relevant national regulations,Should be ordered to make corrections within a time limit,Those who violate relevant laws and regulations will be punished in accordance with regulations,Ensure the implementation of various requirements for production 12bet online betting website reserves。

These implementation opinions are provided by the National Development and Reform Commission、The National Energy Administration is responsible for the explanation,Effective from the date of issuance,Valid for 5 years。

National Development and Reform Commission

National Energy Administration

April 2, 2024

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