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Announcement on carrying out work related to the signing and performance of the medium- and long-term thermal coal contracts in 2024
Source: National Coal Trading CenterAuthor: Zhang TiantianTime: 2023-11-29 10:10Viewed: 1193 times

Announcement on carrying out work related to the signing and performance of the medium- and long-term thermal coal contracts in 2024

Relevant enterprises:

In order to implement the spirit of the document "Notice on Effectively Signing and Implementing the Medium- and Long-term Thermal Coal 12bet sports betting in 2024" (Development and Reform Office Operation [2023] No. 870) of the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission,Comprehensively carry out the 12bet sports betting performance service guarantee work for the signing of medium and long-term thermal coal contracts in 2024,From now on, the National Coal Trading Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Trading Center"),Will conduct 12bet sports betting announcement information inquiry to supply and demand enterprises、Signing of medium and long-term thermal coal 12bet sports betting 、Confirmation of 12bet sports betting information entry、Sign a letter of commitment to perform the 12bet sports betting in good faith、Establish annual supervision ledger、Push China Railway Group to connect and allocate railway capacity、Submit monthly performance data and other full-process service work。The work and business processes related to the signing and performance of the medium- and long-term thermal coal contracts in 2024 are hereby announced as follows:

1. Signing announcement information inquiry

Relevant companies can log on to the official website of the trading center (www.nceexc.cn),Query the 12bet sports betting announcement information of supply and demand enterprises and third-party enterprises within the scope of the 12bet sports betting announcement。

2. Related disclosure of enterprise 12bet sports betting signing information and 12bet sports betting signing authorization

To standardize the 12bet sports betting entry process,Accurate calculation of coal mines within the scope of each 12bet sports betting announcement、Number of medium and long-term thermal coal contracts signed by power plants,Relevant units need to complete related disclosure of enterprise information and 12bet sports betting signing authorization before entering and confirming the 12bet sports betting 。

1.The trading center is based on the affiliation of existing registered enterprises on the platform,Some coal mines within the public scope have been inspected、Disclosure information of coal-using enterprises and mining rights holders、Associate the membership accounts of coal-using enterprises,Relevant companies should log in to check in time。Subject to addition or modification,Need to re-associate and submit for platform review。After completing the association, subsequent platform 12bet sports betting entry and confirmation work can be carried out。

2.Coal mining enterprises and coal-using enterprises can authorize one or more sales companies of their group、The fuel purchasing company confirms the 12bet sports betting entry。

3.Coal mining enterprises and coal-consuming enterprises can only authorize the internal sales companies or fuel companies of their respective groups,Cannot authorize third-party companies。Sales companies or fuel companies can only be authorized。No authorization between third-party companies。

三、Online entry and confirmation of medium and long-term contracts、Signing of the Letter of Integrity Performance Commitment (before November 30)

1.12bet sports betting signing text

Supply and demand enterprises should use the national unified "Model Text of Medium and Long-term Thermal Coal Contracts" (2024 Edition) to sign including quantity、Quality、Expiration、Coal source、Power plant、Monthly decomposition volume、Price、Quality deviation settlement mechanism、A medium- and long-term 12bet sports betting with complete elements such as transportation method and arbitration clause。

12bet sports betting sample texts are divided into two categories。The two-party 12bet sports betting refers to the medium- and long-term thermal coal 12bet sports betting signed by the coal production enterprise (coal mine or coal mine sales company) and the coal user enterprise (power plant or power plant fuel purchasing company),Signed and confirmed by both supply and demand parties;Three-party 12bet sports betting refers to the 12bet sports betting signed between a third-party enterprise and a coal production enterprise (coal mine or coal mine sales company) and coal-consuming enterprise (power plant or power plant fuel purchasing company),Confirmation signed by third-party companies with upstream and downstream companies respectively。

The 12bet sports betting sample text can be downloaded from the "2024 Thermal Coal Medium and Long-term 12bet sports betting Signing and Performance Service Guidelines" column on the trading center's website。

2. Online 12bet sports betting entry and confirmation

Supply and demand enterprises holding digital certificates issued by the trading center within the validity period can sign contracts and good faith performance commitments online on the trading center platform。Contracts signed online and offline have the same legal effect,No need to re-enter the 12bet sports betting information、Upload economic 12bet sports betting and performance commitment letter。

Supply and demand companies without digital certificates,Based on the signed economic 12bet sports betting ,Enter and confirm 12bet sports betting information online through the trading center platform、Upload economic 12bet sports betting and good faith performance commitment letter。

In a two-party 12bet sports betting , the supplier enters the 12bet sports betting information、Upload economic 12bet sports betting ,Confirmation from the buyer,Both parties signed a performance commitment letter。

In a three-party 12bet sports betting , the third-party enterprise enters the 12bet sports betting information as the supplier、Upload the purchase 12bet sports betting with the coal source enterprise and the sales 12bet sports betting with the buyer respectively,Coal source enterprises and demand parties confirm separately,All three parties must upload performance commitment letters。

3.12bet sports betting information verification

The trading center will confirm the input from both the supply and demand parties、12bet sports betting to sign performance commitment letter,Verify whether it complies with national policy requirements one by one。For non-compliance with policy requirements、Especially if the 12bet sports betting signed amount exceeds the signed 12bet sports betting announcement amount, it will be returned,Enterprises can log in to their accounts,View in the "Medium and Long-term 12bet sports betting Inquiry" menu under "2024 Thermal Coal Medium and Long-term 12bet sports betting ",Follow the prompts to modify and resubmit。

4. Check the progress of 12bet sports betting signing

The trading center will dynamically update the 12bet sports betting signing progress,Relevant companies can log on to the official website of the trading center (www.nceexc.cn),Query the number of 12bet sports betting announcements within the scope of 12bet sports betting announcements、Signed volume、Supplier resource balance and demand side 12bet sports betting gap, etc.。

four、Check and confirm the 2024 medium and long-term thermal coal 12bet sports betting supervision ledger (before December 10)

The trading center summarizes the medium and long-term thermal coal contracts that have been verified,By each province (region、City) competent authorities confirm item by item through the exclusive management account of the platform,After final confirmation by the National Development and Reform Commission,Establish a supervision ledger for medium and long-term thermal coal contracts in 2024。

五、Push China Railway Group to configure capacity (before December 15)

The trading center will push the medium- and long-term contracts for the transportation of thermal coal by railway that are included in the regulatory ledger in batches to the China Railway Group to allocate transportation capacity。

6. Daily performance data submission

Before the 10th of each month after the execution of the 12bet sports betting will be included in the supervision ledger,Supply and demand companies must log in to the trading center to report online the performance of last month’s contracts respectively,Upload delivery and settlement documents,The trading center will share the performance status with the National Integrity Performance Guarantee Platform (http://ly.creditchina.gov.cn) for supervision。

For medium and long-term thermal coal contracts with allocated railway transportation capacity, daily train requesting plans can be submitted online through the trading center platform,Complete settlement online、Settlement,The trading platform will automatically complete 12bet sports betting performance data statistics,Supply and demand companies no longer need to fill in and report performance data。

7. Other related matters

The trading center has signed and performed the work requirements of the National Development and Reform Commission’s 2024 medium and long-term thermal coal 12bet sports betting ,Comprehensively improve and optimize the platform system,Specialized personnel responsible for online and offline consultation and answers。

Policy documents related to medium and long-term thermal coal contracts in 2024、Operational procedures and video materials,You can view and download on the homepage of the official website of the trading center → click "Entrance for Signing of Medium and Long-term Thermal Coal Contracts in 2024" → "Service Guidelines for Signing and Performance of Medium- and Long-term Thermal Coal Contracts in 2024"。

The trading center has fully upgraded and optimized platform functions,More special services can be provided to paying members。Enterprises in need please pay as soon as possible to obtain more access to supporting value-added services。

For other unfinished matters, the trading center will make separate announcements.

National Coal Trading Center official website: http://www.nceexc.cn

2024 Thermal Coal Medium and Long-term 12bet sports betting Signing and Performance Service Guide Page: https://www.nceexc.com/DzjyServer/login?jumpmtflag=zcqServiceGuide

Customer consultation hotline: 010-52698888

National Coal Trading Center

November 17, 2023

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